One of my reason why I think Barack Obama should Preserve women’s rights of reproductive choice is because what if a young teen is pregnant and she is not ready to have a baby. My second reason is because what if a girl already aborted about 4 to 5 babies I think that they shouldn’t be able to do that. My third reason why I think he should do that is because what if a girl gets raped and she gets pregnant, and she doesn’t want to have the baby, I think that she has the right to have an abortion is she wants to.
One of my reasons why I think that Barack Obama should preserve women’s rights of reproductive choice is because what if a girl gets pregnant and she is not ready to have a baby I think that she has the right to have an abortion. If a young girl get pregnant she should have the choice if she gets to keep it or not.
My second reason is that because what if a girl has already had like about 4 to 5 babies aborted I think then she should not be able to have any more abortions. If a young girl just keeps on getting abortions I think that she should no be able to do that because she has already killed a lot of kids that could have been born.
My last reason is because if a young girl gets raped and she gets pregnant and she doesn’t want to have the baby I think that she has the right to have an abortion. I think a girl shouldn’t have to have a baby of a man that she doesn’t even know
In conclusion, those are the reasons why I think women should have those rights.
jaxc Tidak ada entri. Mulai nge-blog!
10 years ago