What would make Logandale a better school?
What would make Logandale a better school? In my opinion, one of the things that would make Logandale a better school is that they should get more activities before and after school. Another thing that would make Logandale a better school is that they should have maybe have a week that the students can come out of uniform. The other thing that would make Logandale a better school is that there should be other kinds of classes. Don’t you think that these reasons would make Loganale a better school?
One of the things that would make logandale a better school is that they should get more activites before and after school. Logandale already has activites, but is they get some more activites that they think the student will enjoy, then they should get it. One of the activities that Logandale should get, is like some kind of after school program that involves the students helping animals or other people. If students see that there is no interesting programs or activities then they are not going to want to go to that school. Wouldn’t you think that the students go to a school that had fun things to do while you are in and outside of school.
There should be a week that the students should be able to wear anything that they want for a whole week. If the school lets the students come out of uniform, then maybe they would like going to school because they are going to feel different for a change in school. Also,because if kids go to school, and they have to wear uniform then they are going to get bored and they are not going to like it, so they are probably going to want to go to a different school. I think that students should go to a school where they thin it is fun and that they are going to like.
I think that logandale should have more classes. If Logandale has more classes, like music, and a class where they can learn another languge, maybe some of the students would like to stay in the class. If students se that there are fun classes then they are going to want to stay in logandale. Also if Logandale has more classes the students might have more fun because they get to go to different classes instead of going to the same classes over and over again.
In conclusion the things that Logandale needs to make it a better school, is. The school needs to have more activities. They should let the students wear anything that they want for a week. And by having more classes. Don’t you think that these reasons would make logandale a better school?