Monday, March 30, 2009

A Picture IS Worth A Thousand Words

I was finished eating my breakfast, so then i just sat there with my eyes closed. I was thinking about my dad. It was hard to think because my family was around me and they were just talking to each other trying to give food to my horse Thumper. My sister Lucy was yelling "Here Thumper, come and get your food!" and my brother Bryan, was just eating his food like he hadn't eaten in a long time, i hoped he remembered to breathe. My grandmother was sitting beside me humming to herself, she was also trying to make a wood doll for my sister. My mom was on the other side of me, she was giving food to the horse. Then there was my dog star, she was begging for food, making noises like she was about to start crying. My grandfather was out side working on the barn for all of the animals that we had. Then all of a sudden it got all quiet, i opened my eyes and saw that everyone was gone excpet for my grandmother. She was still making the doll for my sister, and humming to herself. She looked at me and asked me " You thinking about your dad again, aren't you?"my dad us when he saw that my mom didn't want him here anymore becuase all he did was drink and lay on the couch and do nothing. "Yes" I answered her. " Dont worry about it, he'll come back when he's ready to work this out with your mom" my grandmother told me. "ok, thankyou for talking to me"
I was outside with my dog and horse, i was playing with them. My brother and sister came up to us and started to play with us to. Then while we were playing my dad came up to us and then the next thing i new i was running up to him very happy. He told us that he was comming back, he was going in to talk to my mom. When he told us that i felt very happy. He went inside, we followed him and heared the converstion. It was almost night time. My mom let my dad stay, and i was very happy. I went to sleep with no worries in my head.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

"Pet Peeves"

the 25 things i dont like is that:

  1. When people lie to me
  2. When people talk behind my back,with out comming up to me and saying it
  3. When say that they are about to do something, but then they dont
  4. When some of my friends just give up on there schoowork, and just don't care about it
  5. When i forget something, and have to return to get it
  6. Hate when some people print out pictures of clowns and show them to me (i am scared of clowns
  7. When my someone tells me to do something more than once
  8. I hate it when people say that they are honest but they really are not
  9. When i get cramps
  10. I hate it when some people(my frineds) get mad at me for no reason
  11. When people dont want to play a sport that i want to play (like volleyball,and soccer)
  12. i hate it when my brother turns on the light when i am sleeping.
  13. I hate being locked in a small room
  14. i dont like it when people tell me to wait
  15. i dont like it when guys are always so serious
  16. I hate it when people try to act hard around other people acting to be something that they are not
  17. hate it when people can't tell me something right up to me
  18. When i get sick and can't do anything about it
  19. hate it when people touch my hair
  20. Hate it when people promise me something and dont keep it
  21. When people take my stuff without asking me
  22. When people eat my food when i am really hungry
  23. I hate math
  24. I hate it when people compare me with some one else
  25. I hate it when people think that they are funny, but really they are not

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

What would make Logandale better?

What would make Logandale a better school?

What would make Logandale a better school? In my opinion, one of the things that would make Logandale a better school is that they should get more activities before and after school. Another thing that would make Logandale a better school is that they should have maybe have a week that the students can come out of uniform. The other thing that would make Logandale a better school is that there should be other kinds of classes. Don’t you think that these reasons would make Loganale a better school?
One of the things that would make logandale a better school is that they should get more activites before and after school. Logandale already has activites, but is they get some more activites that they think the student will enjoy, then they should get it. One of the activities that Logandale should get, is like some kind of after school program that involves the students helping animals or other people. If students see that there is no interesting programs or activities then they are not going to want to go to that school. Wouldn’t you think that the students go to a school that had fun things to do while you are in and outside of school.
There should be a week that the students should be able to wear anything that they want for a whole week. If the school lets the students come out of uniform, then maybe they would like going to school because they are going to feel different for a change in school. Also,because if kids go to school, and they have to wear uniform then they are going to get bored and they are not going to like it, so they are probably going to want to go to a different school. I think that students should go to a school where they thin it is fun and that they are going to like.
I think that logandale should have more classes. If Logandale has more classes, like music, and a class where they can learn another languge, maybe some of the students would like to stay in the class. If students se that there are fun classes then they are going to want to stay in logandale. Also if Logandale has more classes the students might have more fun because they get to go to different classes instead of going to the same classes over and over again.
In conclusion the things that Logandale needs to make it a better school, is. The school needs to have more activities. They should let the students wear anything that they want for a week. And by having more classes. Don’t you think that these reasons would make logandale a better school?

Monday, March 16, 2009

Alexia's life story

I remember I was at my house in my kitchen cooking dinner for my husband and his mom, brother, and his sister. It was October 30,1994. It was around 6:00pm and that was when my stomach started to hurt, it wasn't hurting really bad but it was hurting. I told my husband to take me to the hospital. I was in the car sitting down and the baby inside og me started to kick the inside of my stomach. When we arrived to the hospital my husaband got me out of the car and took me inside. I sat down on the wheel chair that one of the nurses gave me and they took me into one of the rooms and took me to the bed to lay down. About 15 minutes later a doctor came in to examine me, When he finished he told me that everything was ok and that i needed to stay their over night because the baby was almost ready to come out. I was around 8:00pm in the night, and i was reading a book the one of the nurses gave me. My husband came in asking me if i was ok and that if i wanted him to stay with me i told him that i was ok and that he should take his mom, brother and sister home.

I woke up the next morning around like 12:00, it was the 31st of October, and my stomach was feeling a little better. The doctor came in and asked me how i was doing and told me that i was going to go into labor soon, i could feel that it was almost time for me to go into labor. The doctor told me to just rest and that if i was sarting to feel any pain i should call for him and the other nurses and doctors. I took out the book that the nurse gave me and sarted to read it. I read for like 3 hours and then got tired, i looked at the clock and saw that it was almost 5:00pm so then i just stayed up watching T.V . One of the nurses came in around 7:30 to give me dinner, i never notice how awful the food at the hospital was, and i was ready to go back home. I finished eating the food that the nurse gave me and went to sleep.

I woke up 2 hours later ( around 10:00) noticing that my water broke. I didnt feel any thing at all i called the doctor and told him that he baby was ready to come out. He told me not to panic and not to worry and to just wait until him and the doctors came back. One of the nurses was standing next to me telling me to just keep on breathing and to stay calm, i was staying calm i didnt feel anything at all, The doctor came in with some other doctors and told me to start pushing. I started to push it wasnt hurting really bad but it did hurt, not enough for me to start crying though. The next thing i knew i had the baby in my arms crying. It was a girl. The only thing that i was thinking of was what to name it. In my head i was thinking of girl names and then there was one that i thought of that i really liked and that name was Alexia. The doctor took Alexia from my arms and took it to the other rooms where they went to check her out to see if everything was ok with her. The doctors took me back in to the room for me to rest because they said that i was going to feel some pain comming. I was back in the room, i decided to go back to sleep but the doctor came in and told me to take some pills so when the pain came it wouldnt hurt as much, i went to sleep.

I woke up the next day and saw that my husband was there he was holding Alexia in his arms. The doctor came in and told me that i could leave