Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Hansel and Gretal
The Old Woman:
I just came back from the store from buying candy and bread to make me a house, so that i can make kids come to my house and start eating it. When the kids came i will be very nice to them and tell them that they can stay in my house for as long as they want, and then when i have thier trust, i will start giving them a lot of food so that i can fatten them up, so that i can eat them. I was out side making the house, it was kind of hard because i couldn't resits from eating some of the candy and bread myself. When i finished making my house, i went inside to rearrange things. I was done making everything so then i just had to sit and wait.
Its been two days since i built my house and i already had 2 kids come here, i welcomed them of course. I went on with my plan to bieng nice to them. I gave them a lot of food so that i can fatten them up, the kids just ate and ate and ate, and they had no idea of what was about to happen to them. I told the kids to go inside of the oven so that i could cook them, and all they did was look at me and started to run and scream, I grabbed them by the colar of the neck and shoved them inside of them oven so i could cook them. Later, i went upstairs to lay down and rest becuase i was full of my dinner that i ate, and just fell asleep.
I woke up the next moring and saw that there were two kids out side of my house they were talking to each other, and i found out that the girls' name was Gretal and the boys' name was Hansel. I went down stairs and went outside to greet them. When they looked at me they looked kind of scared, but then when i was talking to them (in a very nice tone) they looked like they weren't afraid of me. I told them thet they could come inside and eat, and that i would not do no harm to them ( i had my fingers crossed). They came inside of my house, still stuffing thier faces with the candy and bread that was from my house. I made them beds and gave them food. I was as nice to them as i could possibly could.
They satyed the night over at my house, and the next morning i was hungry so then i was in a very bad mood because i was starving. So then I went to go and wake up the kids, when i woke up Hansel i took him out of the bed and i took him to the room where the was a cage in, and locked it. I went up staits to go wake up Gretal, when i woke her up i told her to go and give Hansel some food and to feed him until he got fatter, becuase i was going to eat him. When she heard me say that she started to cry. She did what i told her to do. I was in the kitchen getting the oven ready. She was behind me and i told her to get in, and she told me that she didn't know how, and i was so hungry that i wanted her to get in right away, so i showed her how, and she pushed me in. It got dark
Monday, May 4, 2009
Adam's Diary
I started to get along with her. Her name was Eve. She would talk to me about anything and she wouldalways be the first to anwser things that needed to be anwsered and the nameof animals that needed to be named she would always be the first to do things while i had to take a long time to answer them. I stopped taking to her because, she would always act like she is smarter than me, so then evertime she was around me i would not talk or even look at her becuase she got vey annoying.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
"The outcast of Poker Flat"
- Uncle Billy
- Citizens of Poker Flat
- Bad luck
- Outcasts
If i were to blame someone, i would blame Uncle Billy. I blame him becuase he left them alone. If he would have never left them alone then maybe they still would have been alive. I blame him also becuase he didnt even tell them that he was going to leave them alone. The citizens kicked him out but still he still should have told the girls that he was leaving,, he just took the horses and left, like they didn't even matter
That is why i blame Uncle Billy
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Kate Chopin
This story was basically about a woman whos husband "died". Whan she founf out that he died, she was not happy, she was kind of sad. She went inside of a room to start crying , but while she was in the room she didnt cry at all she was happy. Happy that her husband was "dead", she was filled with joy. She was in the room for an hour until finally her sister was at the door pounding on it telling her to get out of the room. The woman cam out of the room and went with her sister to the front room. They were in the front room when a man came in and siad that he was home. When the woman heard the mans voice she turned to him and was shocked to see that it was her husband, and just died right there in front of him and her sister.
My reaction to this story was me being shocked because i didn't know that someone could die of shock like that. At the same time i thought it was kind of funny becuase the woman just died right there in front of her husband and sister, looking confused. I think what this story is trying to tell us is to be careful what we wish for because we just might get it, only no the way you want it to be. I liked this story
"The Blind Man"
This story is about a man who is blind. Everyone that s around this guy always ignores him they act like he doesn't even exsist. It is really about the poor vs rich becuase the only thing that the people care about in this story is the rich guy that lives in the neighbohood. The Blind guy was crossing the road and the rich guy that was crossing the road got run over. The thing that i think the story is trying to tell us not to judge people the way they are. I thought this story was ok
Friday, April 24, 2009
Dr. Heidegger's Experiment
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Desiree's Baby the sequel
He left the room and went outside to see if he could still spot his wife.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Flowers for Algernon
If i was given the opportunity to have an operation that would make me much smarter, and i knew the surgery would only be temporary, I would not do it. The reason why i would noe do it becuase if i knew that i was only going to be smart for one a little amount of time then why do it at all, because for all you know you could be smart for like only a day or two, and i wouldnt want to feel smart for a short period of time, and then lose it wanting to feel smart again but you couldn't. I would just be myself i mean why try to be something when you're not. People are just going to have to accept me for the way i am. I mean if other people dont like you the way that you are and they want you to changed for them then that is there problem because they dont need to worry about something if it doesnt involved them.
That it what i would do
Thursday, April 16, 2009
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Chapters 3-7
One of the problems that I think Benjamin is going to have is that he is going to loose his wife and his kid.
The second problem that i think Benjamin is going to have is that he might lose respect that he has from his dad.
The third problem that i think Benjamin might have is that i think is is going to decide to leave his wife and kid and have no other place to go.
The solution to the first problem is that i think that Benjamin should try and talk to his wife and son becuase if he doesnt then he is just going to end up losing them The second solution that Benjamin might want to tell his dad what he is going through because if his dad finds out that he is going to cheat on his wife, then he might lose respect for him. The third solution is that he should not abandon them and always be there for them and to talk to them
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Chapter 2
What should he do?
The thing that i think that Roger should do is that i think he should just suck it up and take care of his son. I mean, it doesn't matter what other people think, it's you not them and they dont know what you are going through. But i think that Roger should just forget what he thinks other people are going to say, and just take care of his son. It might take Roger and his wife a long time to get use to him but i think it wont matter, becuase as long as they take care of him and dont abandon him then they are probably going to learn to acpet him the accept him for the way he is
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Chapter 1
The thing that i would have done if i was Roger Button is that, I would have probably never belive that that old man was my son, becuase babies don't come out looking thtat old, they come out looking young. But if the nurse told me that yeah, that he was my son, then i would have probably taken him home right away. I would keep him inside of the house, until he felt like going outside. If people from outside would ask me who was the old man that i was hanging aroung with, then i would probaby tell him that he was my dad, or my grandpa, or something like that. But i still would have taken care of him becuase first of all i think that you shouldn't abondon something or someone just becuase of the way they look. I would have taken responsibility and just take care of him
Monday, April 13, 2009
What is Love?
It is also very hard to trust
Once you find it, you are going to want to keep it
Love is the color of pink and red
Love can sometimes be pain
It is something that you have to fight for.
What is Love?
Love is something that you feel when you are around that special someone.
The feeling of butterflies in your stomach
Love is something that you don’t feel everyday
It is hard to find, and easy to keep when you have it
Once you find it, don’t let go.
Love comes and goes
The one that comes and stays is true love
Love is worth living for
When it comes don’t be afraid to take it
Be afraid to loose it
Once you have love,
Keep it
Monday, March 30, 2009
A Picture IS Worth A Thousand Words

I was outside with my dog and horse, i was playing with them. My brother and sister came up to us and started to play with us to. Then while we were playing my dad came up to us and then the next thing i new i was running up to him very happy. He told us that he was comming back, he was going in to talk to my mom. When he told us that i felt very happy. He went inside, we followed him and heared the converstion. It was almost night time. My mom let my dad stay, and i was very happy. I went to sleep with no worries in my head.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
"Pet Peeves"
- When people lie to me
- When people talk behind my back,with out comming up to me and saying it
- When say that they are about to do something, but then they dont
- When some of my friends just give up on there schoowork, and just don't care about it
- When i forget something, and have to return to get it
- Hate when some people print out pictures of clowns and show them to me (i am scared of clowns
- When my someone tells me to do something more than once
- I hate it when people say that they are honest but they really are not
- When i get cramps
- I hate it when some people(my frineds) get mad at me for no reason
- When people dont want to play a sport that i want to play (like volleyball,and soccer)
- i hate it when my brother turns on the light when i am sleeping.
- I hate being locked in a small room
- i dont like it when people tell me to wait
- i dont like it when guys are always so serious
- I hate it when people try to act hard around other people acting to be something that they are not
- hate it when people can't tell me something right up to me
- When i get sick and can't do anything about it
- hate it when people touch my hair
- Hate it when people promise me something and dont keep it
- When people take my stuff without asking me
- When people eat my food when i am really hungry
- I hate math
- I hate it when people compare me with some one else
- I hate it when people think that they are funny, but really they are not
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
What would make Logandale better?
What would make Logandale a better school? In my opinion, one of the things that would make Logandale a better school is that they should get more activities before and after school. Another thing that would make Logandale a better school is that they should have maybe have a week that the students can come out of uniform. The other thing that would make Logandale a better school is that there should be other kinds of classes. Don’t you think that these reasons would make Loganale a better school?
One of the things that would make logandale a better school is that they should get more activites before and after school. Logandale already has activites, but is they get some more activites that they think the student will enjoy, then they should get it. One of the activities that Logandale should get, is like some kind of after school program that involves the students helping animals or other people. If students see that there is no interesting programs or activities then they are not going to want to go to that school. Wouldn’t you think that the students go to a school that had fun things to do while you are in and outside of school.
There should be a week that the students should be able to wear anything that they want for a whole week. If the school lets the students come out of uniform, then maybe they would like going to school because they are going to feel different for a change in school. Also,because if kids go to school, and they have to wear uniform then they are going to get bored and they are not going to like it, so they are probably going to want to go to a different school. I think that students should go to a school where they thin it is fun and that they are going to like.
I think that logandale should have more classes. If Logandale has more classes, like music, and a class where they can learn another languge, maybe some of the students would like to stay in the class. If students se that there are fun classes then they are going to want to stay in logandale. Also if Logandale has more classes the students might have more fun because they get to go to different classes instead of going to the same classes over and over again.
In conclusion the things that Logandale needs to make it a better school, is. The school needs to have more activities. They should let the students wear anything that they want for a week. And by having more classes. Don’t you think that these reasons would make logandale a better school?
Monday, March 16, 2009
Alexia's life story
I woke up the next morning around like 12:00, it was the 31st of October, and my stomach was feeling a little better. The doctor came in and asked me how i was doing and told me that i was going to go into labor soon, i could feel that it was almost time for me to go into labor. The doctor told me to just rest and that if i was sarting to feel any pain i should call for him and the other nurses and doctors. I took out the book that the nurse gave me and sarted to read it. I read for like 3 hours and then got tired, i looked at the clock and saw that it was almost 5:00pm so then i just stayed up watching T.V . One of the nurses came in around 7:30 to give me dinner, i never notice how awful the food at the hospital was, and i was ready to go back home. I finished eating the food that the nurse gave me and went to sleep.
I woke up 2 hours later ( around 10:00) noticing that my water broke. I didnt feel any thing at all i called the doctor and told him that he baby was ready to come out. He told me not to panic and not to worry and to just wait until him and the doctors came back. One of the nurses was standing next to me telling me to just keep on breathing and to stay calm, i was staying calm i didnt feel anything at all, The doctor came in with some other doctors and told me to start pushing. I started to push it wasnt hurting really bad but it did hurt, not enough for me to start crying though. The next thing i knew i had the baby in my arms crying. It was a girl. The only thing that i was thinking of was what to name it. In my head i was thinking of girl names and then there was one that i thought of that i really liked and that name was Alexia. The doctor took Alexia from my arms and took it to the other rooms where they went to check her out to see if everything was ok with her. The doctors took me back in to the room for me to rest because they said that i was going to feel some pain comming. I was back in the room, i decided to go back to sleep but the doctor came in and told me to take some pills so when the pain came it wouldnt hurt as much, i went to sleep.
I woke up the next day and saw that my husband was there he was holding Alexia in his arms. The doctor came in and told me that i could leave
Friday, February 27, 2009
What do I wish from Barack Obama
One of my reasons why I think that Barack Obama should preserve women’s rights of reproductive choice is because what if a girl gets pregnant and she is not ready to have a baby I think that she has the right to have an abortion. If a young girl get pregnant she should have the choice if she gets to keep it or not.
My second reason is that because what if a girl has already had like about 4 to 5 babies aborted I think then she should not be able to have any more abortions. If a young girl just keeps on getting abortions I think that she should no be able to do that because she has already killed a lot of kids that could have been born.
My last reason is because if a young girl gets raped and she gets pregnant and she doesn’t want to have the baby I think that she has the right to have an abortion. I think a girl shouldn’t have to have a baby of a man that she doesn’t even know
In conclusion, those are the reasons why I think women should have those rights.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Life Changing Event
i remember like 2 weeks had passed and i still didn't know my way around town, and i remembered that i got lost with my brother walking from the park but we still found our way back home. It took us a while to get use to our new house but we got it
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Parents are good teachers essay
One of my reasons is because when you don’t get something that you teacher tought you in school, you can go to your parents for help. When you are in school and your teacher is explaining something that you don’t understand, you know that you will always have you parents to asked for help. The only way for you parents to be good teacher is if you talk to them when you are having problems in school, so when you don’t understand something you have to ask your parnets to help you. Also, because if you don’t have any one else that can help you you can go to your parents.
My other is because some kids feel more comfortable asking their parents a question about their work than their teachers. Sometimes there are a lot of kids who are very afraid or shy to asked their teacher or other classmates a question when they need help and they rather wait until they get home to ask their parents. When you ask your parents for help on something that you didn’t understand in class, your parents could probably do it an easier way for you to understand the problem. Also when you ask your parents for help it would probably be more quieter than school, so you will concentrate better.
My other reason why I think that parents are good teacher is because sometimes some kids listen better when there parents are explaning thing to them. When kids are in class they listen but their ears are not 100% listening so somethimes they don’t know what’s going on. When your parents are helping you, you are going to be listening because there is no one else around you to distract you. Also when you parents are helping you they expect you to listn to them so you do.
In conclusion, I do think that parents are good teachers. One of my reason is because when you don’t get something that your teacher tought you in school you can go to your parents for help. My other reason is because some kids feel more comfortable asking their parents a question about their work than their teachers. My last reason is because sometimes some kids listen better when there parents are explaning thing to them. Those are the reason why i think parents are good teachers.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
"A Skill That Everyne Needs"
My first reason why I think that reading is a skill that everyone needs is because if a person doesn’t know how to read then that person wouldn’t know how to read an important sign that is around them. When people drive they are going to need to know what the signs say so that they can follow them if the don’t then they can get lost. When something important happens in the news paper who ever doesn’t know how to read, wont know what is happening. When someone goes to the mall of some other place to go out to eat they would not be able to read the list of food that the place has and they won't be able to eat.
My second reason is because if some day that person that doesn’t know how to read has a kid they wont be able to read to the kids, and reading to your kids is very important if you want your kids to grow up and be smart. Reading is very useful because many people think that it is very fun, and you can be reading on your free time instead of doing nothing but watching T.V. Reading is a very important thing to do, and if you don’t do it then you will not get any where.
My third reason why I think that reading is a skill that everyone needs because when you get older you are not going to be able to get a good job. Do you think that the people that don’t know how to read is going to have a good future? If you don’t know how to read then you are not going to have a good career.
In conclusion, reading is a skill that everyone needs because if you don’t know how to read then you are not going to be able to read any important signs, you are not going to be able to read to your kids if you have any, and you are not going to get a job if you don’t know how to read. Those are the reasons why I think reading is a skill that everyone needs.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
The Best Day Ever
When our class went to lunch a group of asked me if i wanted to sit with them i was like sure, so then i got my lunch and went to go sit with them. When i sat down they started to ask me stuff like what was my name how old i was ans other stuff like that. I would never answer. them because i was shy and becasue i didnt like talking. They would always keep on talking to me but i would never answer them, They used to tell me "is something wrong with you" and i would say "no" and they would ask me how come i would never talk to them and i would just say i dont know.
When we left to go to our next class i started to talk to them. By the end of the day i felt comfortable talking to them, and ever since that day i am still friends with them .
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
When I looked at her smile, I knew she was up to something
When i got home my mom wasnt there it was almost night time i looked on the refrigerator and my mom left a note saying that she was out and that she was going to be back later. Sometimes i think my mom would rather be somewhere else than to even be home with me or even just talk to me, but i really didnt care because i have my dog to talk to. i sat down to wacth T.V. I stayed up really late because i started to read a book, it was 2:00 in the morning and my mom still didnt come home. So i just went to my room and went to bed. Right when i turned off the light i heard something crash downstairs I turned on the light and went down stairs to see if my mom was home. I went in the living room and saw that nobody was there, but a broken lamp, i picked up the glass and put it in the trash. I was about to go upstairs when my dog started barking, I turned around and saw that he was barking at a girl that was sitting on the couch. She was there one moment and then she vanished. I got scared and then took my dog upstais to my room and locked the door. I was still scared thinking of the person that i saw in my house, i remember her face she still had the same smile she had earlier. I was just sitting in my room and then i heard the front door open. I ooked outside and i saw my mom's car out in the front , I unlocked my door and ran down stairs to my mom saying that there was some one in the house but she told me that she was very tired and that she was going to sleep. I was about to ask her where she was but i didnt because the smell of her breath told me that she was out drinking, so i went back upstairs to my room and locked the door again, and then went to sleep.
When i woke up the next morning my mom was still in bed sleeping. I went downstairs and ate breakfast. I heard something and i was afraid to turn around but i just did, and saw her behind me sitting on the chair. I asked her what did she want but she just had her same smile she had be for. She got up and said " You dont remember me do u?" I got surrised and said no. She got up and said "You forgot about me didnt you? and i asked her who she was but i didnt get a anwser, she kept on smilling, and i thought to myself that there was something about her smile that made me remeber something. Then it came to me it was my imaginary friend that i had when i was little, When i asked her she got an even nicer smile on her face and told me "I knew you would remember"
Monday, February 9, 2009
25 things i want to do in my lifetime
The 25 things that i want to do in my lifetime is
I want to graduate from high school and go to college
i want to visit spain
get married
i want to become a mother of two kids (only 2)
i want to becaome a writer
i want to swim with the animals that are in the ocean
help animals that are hurt (veternarain)
go to hawaii
visit my dad
see my sister and her daughter
visit places ive never seen
bunnging jumping
jump out of a plane
i want to to be able to breathe in water
drop a penny from the top of the sears tower
adopt a baby lion, cheetah, and a jaguar
see a puinguen
i want to be able to fly
i want to travel all over the world
see a polar bear in person up close
help people that are in need of food
publish a lot of books
go to brazil